In Your Struggles and Suffering
Find HOPEWelcome to Hope Counselling Centre, the biblical counselling ministry of Redemption Church, which is based in Christchurch, New Zealand. We are committed to the Word of God and to helping people who are struggling with the problems of life. That is why we are committed to biblical counselling. Our counselling ministry exists to do this important work. We want to help struggling people know how to implement Christ’s solutions for life’s problems.
If you or a loved one is struggling, we are here to help. The counsellors at Hope Counselling Centre are certified with the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC), and include pastors, ministry leaders, and trained counsellors. Our desire is to help you change in a way that honours Christ.

How To Schedule
Step 1
Fill Out a Counselling Form
Give our team an idea of what you’re struggling with so we can pair you up with the best counsellor.
Step 2
Get assigned to a counsellor
We will pair you up with an available biblical counsellor ready to provide help and hope.
Step 3
Begin Counselling Sessions
After you’re assigned a counsellor, you’ll schedule a time to meet and begin the process of growing and changing.
What To Expect
Before we can begin to help with your problem, there are a few things you need to know:
- First, our counselling is offered free of charge as a ministry to our church and community.
- Appointments are based on our wait list; because of this, we are not always able to see members of other churches. Please email our office ([email protected]) to see if we are accepting non-members at this time.
- For members of other churches, we may require that you bring someone in spiritual leadership from your church to journey with you in the counselling. This counselling advocate will be crucial to helping you implement the changes we discuss in counselling.
- We also require the pastor of your church to complete a ‘Church Recommendation Form’. If you are not a member of another church but want to receive counselling, we are glad to see you, but we will ask you to commit to attending Redemption Church while you are receiving counselling.
If you agree to this biblical pathway for counselling, we invite you to click the button below to begin your counselling journey.
Frequently Asked Questions
How long is a normal session?
Please plan on 60-90 minutes for your session. Some sessions may be shorter or longer, but this is an average time frame.
What is the normal length of counselling? (How many times should I expect to see the counsellor)?
This depends on the reason you are coming in for counselling. Our goal is not to make you dependent on the counsellor but lead you to personally understand and apply God’s Word to every area of your life and so you can then also help others.
Why do I have to fill out and return an application before scheduling an appointment?
The application provides vital information so we know which counsellor will be the best one to meet with you. It also eliminates the first session from being only a gathering information time.
What kinds of problems do you offer counselling for?
- Marriage struggles
- Parenting struggles
- Dealing with sexual sin
- Emotional struggles (e.g. depression, anger, fear, anxiety)
- Post-abortion counselling for both women and men
- Dealing with painful pasts
- Addictions
- Financial issues
- Eating disorders
- Strained relationships with in-laws, family members, work colleagues, or friends.
Regardless of the issue you bring to us, we believe that God’s Word (the Bible) is sufficient to answer any of life’s problems and questions.
Is there a cost for counselling?
There is no cost for counselling, but you may be asked to purchase books or other resources as part of your homework assignments between sessions.
Is childcare available?
No. Because of the wide ranges in children’s ages and timing of appointments, at this time we cannot provide childcare.
May we request which counsellor we would like to see?
Because of the number of requests for counselling we receive, counsellees may not select which counsellor they see. Please be assured though that everyone who does counselling at Hope Counselling Centre is equipped to provide the biblical counselling that is needed.
Why is homework assigned?
This allows you to every day apply the biblical truths that your counsellor has shown you in your session. It could be compared to going to physical therapy. Just as your physical therapist gives you exercises to do at home in between your visits because the exercises reinforce the therapy, your homework from your counsellor will also reinforce the biblical truths from your session.
What is biblical counselling?
Biblical counselling can be condensed into these four basic commitments: the rendering of gracious care and hope; the acquiring of personal information with a biblical interpretation; biblical truth; and specific application. It is intensely practical and relies heavily on the comprehensive gathering of information for understanding (Proverbs 25:11, 13).
Biblical counselling is counsel based on God’s Word as the ultimate source of truth and restoration for the believer in Christ. For the counsellor, there is an operative conviction that God’s Word is relevant to all of life and can be practically applied to every heart and every circumstance of difficulty. While this does not imply that Scripture is the only source of information in the counselling process, biblical counsellors are consistent in their detailed biblical analysis of information and their overwhelming focus on the Bible, which alone is infallible, authoritative and sufficient truth for matters of eternal life and godliness (2 Timothy 3:16; Hebrews 4:12; 2 Peter 1:3ff)
Biblical counselling does not set aside real-life issues, but works to understand their origin, impact and involvement in the counselee’s life from a biblical perspective. It acknowledges that the counsellee possesses both physical and spiritual components that interact and affect one another because the counsellee is a whole spiritual person (2 Corinthians 4:16-18). It seeks to hear and understand the counsellee and apply the truth of Scripture (gospel truths, who God is, and all the biblical elements of change) to the counsellee’s life, so that through Jesus Christ there can be restoration where there is brokenness (Revelation 21:5). The biblical counsellor will also often refer the counsellee to get a medical check-up to see if there are physical complications involved in the issue at hand.
The biblical counsellor strives to relate the counsellees not to themselves to bring about healing, but to Jesus Christ and Truth that sets men free (Hebrews 4:14-16; John 8:32). In doing so, biblical counselling is dependent on the collaborative, supernatural resources that God has provided for change (the work of the Holy Spirit, the Word of God, the grace of Jesus Christ through the gospel, and the involvement of the local church). As the counsellees contemplate and apply who God is and his Truth to their hearts and lives, they are over time transformed further into God’s own image by the Holy Spirit’s power (2 Corinthians 3:18; Philippians 2:12).
While behavioral change is important to this process of transformation, change within the counsellee’s heart (affections, thoughts, intentions) is essential as the counsellor guides the counsellee to a right understanding of God, his/her situation, and how Christians change. Through cultivating the counsellee’s faith, gospel motivation, and desire for God’s glory with prayerful diligent work, real change from the inside out is possible.
This redemptive transformation that takes place as the counsellee’s heart interacts with the Word of God brings hope, encouragement, conviction, repentance, and/or healing. As individuals find Christ sufficient, put to death the things of the flesh, and strengthen the things of the Spirit, joy and peace become realities in their Christian walk (Ephesians 4:24; Colossians 3:10). The biblical counsellor is humbly privileged to see God work and assist in this process of spiritual growth and freedom toward God’s glory.
What is the difference between biblical counselling and Christian counselling?
Biblical counselling is done by a Christian who believes in the sufficiency of Scripture and the truth of 2 Peter 1:3: “God’s divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness.” While Christian counselling is also done by a Christian, the counsellor often integrates secular ideas and values. The danger in doing this is when those ideas and values come first or are in direct contradiction to the Word of God but are still followed.
Ready to get real hope and help?
How Biblical Counselling Has Helped Others
“I found healing and restoration from years of deep-seated bitterness and unforgiveness. Learning to apply God’s Word to my life helped me let go of resentment and experience true freedom and peace.”
“Anxiety used to control my life, but through biblical counselling, I learned to trust God’s promises and renew my mind with His truth. Now, I face each day with courage and faith, knowing God is with me.”
“Struggling with addiction seemed hopeless until I sought biblical counselling. Through prayer, Scripture study, and practical guidance, I discovered God’s power to break free from that which was holding me captive.”
“Navigating a difficult marriage, biblical counselling provided us with tools to communicate better and apply biblical principles to our relationship. Our marriage was restored, and we now experience deeper love and appreciation for one another.”
“After experiencing profound loss, I struggled with grief and depression. Biblical counselling helped me find comfort in God’s promises and taught me how to lean on His strength.”